(This step is obviously for guitars only): Place the ball end of the string over the hole in the bridge, and use the pin to push the ball down and in. Note that the thicker, doubled part of the windings on the bass strings should face into the groove on the bridge pin.
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(This step is also obviously for guitars only): Push the ball all the way in with the pin. Note that the windings should be visible or nearly so when the string is properly seated. Remember that the ball should catch on the bridge plate, inside the instrument, and is held over in place by the pin. The pin does not simply wedge the string in place. Incidentally, I install all 6 strings on the bridge before doing anything else. I can then put my hand in through the sound hole to be sure all the balls are caught on the bridge plate, and that there are no little tails hanging down in there...
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Regardless of the type of instrument, I align the holes in the tuners' spindles so they are roughly 45 degrees with respect to the peghead; the holes run "up hill" from the outer edge of the peghead toward its center. (Note that I had not yet aligned the hole for the first string when I took the photo.)
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Coming from the center of the peghead, I then run the string end down through the hole, towards the outer edge of the peghead...
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Next, we pull the string fairly tight...
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then pull it around the tuning spindle, up towards the top of the peghead, and then back around the spindle.
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Pass the end of the string under the long portion of the string that is already attached to the business end of the instrument...
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then pull it tight back around the main portion of the string, back towards the top of the peg head. Hold it down, in the same plane as the main string, and begin to tighten the tuner.
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That's it! You'll note that as the string is pulled onto the spindle, it passes over the little loop you just made with the loose end.. This crimps down as it tightens and absolutely precludes any string slippage. It also tightens up very quickly, saving your having to wind a whole bunch of string around the tuner!.
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